How to get relief in the winters?

Dr. Rahul Chaudhari - Spine Surgeon in Pune

Dr. Rahul Chaudhari - Spine Surgeon in Pune

Arthritis worsens in winter :

Throughout the winter season, joint pains and stiffened muscles are the most prevalent health difficulty disturbing the lives of older people. There is a 50 percent head in the number of senior citizens trying treatment for bone and joint difficulties throughout winter. For common Rheumatoid arthritis patients, pain, fever, swelling, stiffness, weakness and other typical rheumatoid arthritis signs are more difficult to manage during the winter. Some people think more joint pain, as the cold weather sets in.

Why does this happen?

Here are several causes why arthritis flares up in winter:

  • The pain receptors grow more sensitive during the winters.
  • The reduction in aerial pressure makes painful joints. When the pressure reduces, muscles swell, creating stress between joints, creating pain.
  • There are more muscle contractions in freezing temperatures, which worsens the pain and stiffness of the joints.
  • More limited sunlight throughout winters means lower vitamin D levels and points to weakened bones and joints.

How to get relief in the winters?

  • Wear warm clothes – Depending on the weather in your city, like to use warm winter clothes or dress. Uniformly ensure that you cover your legs, hands, knees, and all arthritis prone areas.
  • Hydrate – Setting for hydrated assists keep you more active. Even mild dehydration might give you more sensitive to pain.
  • Do Exercise – While it’s common to require to avoid winter chill, people with joint pain should still stay active. Exercise indoors to develop signs like joint stiffness and muscle weakness.
  • Take warm baths – Swimming in a heated pool is both excellent exercise and calming to your joints. You can also make great relief from warm baths.
  • Increase intake of Vitamin D – Moderate levels of vitamin D might play an important role in how susceptible you are to arthritis pain. Staying lacking in vitamin D also increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Boost your consumption of omega-3 fatty acids – Omega-3 fatty acids are very helpful in decreasing the pain level in your joints.

Like winter while using the above regards for Arthritis. If you are suffering severe pain in your joints due to arthritis, do ask our experts Dr. Rahul Chaudhari who is a spine surgeon in Pune.

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